Ethan Spafford | Senior Transmission Consultant | MISO Regional Expert
Ethan Spafford is a consultant with over 12 years’ experience in the energy market. With a successful background in production cost modeling, project management, and facility capacity planning, he is helping to further support the development of industry standards. His experienced qualifications also include budget forecasting, planning, transmission and generation modeling.
Mr. Spafford has extensive experience working in the MISO market. Prior to joining Transmission Analytics, Mr. Spafford worked 10 years as a Power Trader and Senior Planning Engineer for the WEC Energy Group in Milwaukee, WI. During this time, he worked with real time and day ahead market operations to help identify and mitigate risks in responses to changing operating conditions, power and gas markets, and contractual obligations in the MISO market.
Mr. Spafford works consistently in the development and modeling of short and long-term generation and transmission expansion plans, impact fuel cost fluctuations, and scarcity. He is always evolving his practices to support the ever-changing needs of investors, developers, utilities, and other stakeholders.